Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Would Be Amused, Except...

...except I'm tired, cranky, and over-stressed.

So instead of being amused, I am just plain upset.

I would think this is beautiful, except...

...except today is actually April 8th and not January 8th.

Come on Spring, you were doing so well!  Stand up for yourself, would ya?

...because I am NOT amused.


  1. WOW. Dude, I'm so sorry for you. Not that it couldn't still happen to us in Upstate NY, but I'm thinking it won't this year.

  2. WTF?! SNOW?!

    That is so wrong. I'm so sorry, sweetie.


  3. It IS beautiful, and you will look back on these photos in July in the middle of a hot streak when it's 100 degrees and 100% humidity and you will think, yes, that was a wonderful day.
    Until then, tequila gives a warming sensation. xoxo

  4. It'll melt and eventually go away. And whatever is making you tired, cranky and over-stressed will also eventually go away. Ohmmmmmm .... :-)

  5. The thing about April snows is that they're gone quickly. By this time next week, you'll likely have little evidence that it ever happened.

  6. So sorry. Does this mean you're getting more shut-in-and-practice time? The music building where I studied had a way of insulating you from whatever was time, no weather, no people...nuthin.

  7. Sigh. Yeah. I hear ya. My houseguests last Thursday got trapped/stuck up in the Jemez mountains in a whiteout/blizzard for a bit. WTH? APRIL.

  8. That looks awful. I hope that it melts quickly and that you pull through!

  9. We can trade places if you want. It has been 90 degrees here for the past few days. I would love the cold weather!

  10. Fail at Spring. Oh well. It is lovely, at least from where I'm sitting (far away in a lovely seventy degree climate).

  11. Depressing, yes, but still pretty. And it'll be gone soon, like already??

  12. I agree. WTF April? Get it together. I'm really glad that it hasn't snowed here, but I'm now not looking forward all that much to visiting you this weekend when I have to submerge myself in THAT. Ick.

  13. Sending you empathy! I was in Iqaluit (on Baffin Island) for a week and on Good Friday it was -27 and the following day was a blizzard. Ugh. Seriously, I completely empathize... April is not a season for that kind of snow!!

  14. Wow! It looks pretty but I'm glad I live in MD and we have spring. I sympathize

  15. Fickle, fickle Spring! Being cranky doesn't sound like you at all, but I suppose it happens to everyone. Snow would definitely make me cranky right now, too.


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